"Bagger 288"
Giant mining machine made by Krupp excavator type, manufacturers from Germany, this measuring 300 meters long and weighing 45,500 tons, and capable of moving with the chain wheel in many mining areas open
Giant mining machine made by Krupp excavator type, manufacturers from Germany, this measuring 300 meters long and weighing 45,500 tons, and capable of moving with the chain wheel in many mining areas open
The news last shift occurred in 2001, when the machine is moved from one mine to another mine - a distance of 22 miles, exploring the land, roads, rail-crossing the railway, suburban and rural areas. Because this machine can not just pass the obstacles, because it could spoil-prepared workers for the base layer of sand along the way as he passed railroads, highways, moving electric poles, and spread a special grass on top land in its path to facilitate the course.
It took 3 weeks to move it! When he reached the place of this machine will devour coal hills, rocks with gusto!

The Family who demonstrate monster machines :
- Beltwagons : Beltwagons or "mobile transfer conveyors" serve as intermidiate link between various minining machines and conveyors. They bridge distance and height... more
- Spreader : The spreader is the last link in the chain of equipment for continuous removal of overburden
- Tripper Cars : .... to unload a belt
- Crushing Plan : ... as the name says. Crushing material at every place and in all sizes
- Transport Crawler : .... moving every haevy load in a mine
- Surface Manner : ... for diggin the hardest material without need for blasting
Overburden Conveyor Bridge F60
This giant machine called overburden Conveyor Bridge F60, located in Lichterfeld (source on here). Iron giant has a long, 502 meters, 202 meters wide, 80 meters high and weighing 11,000 tons!. Made in East Germany in 1991 by VEB TAKRAF Lauchhammer. After operating for only 13 months, this machine is not resting for reasons of energy friendly. Mining Klettwitz-Nord where the operation was closed conveyor machine. Currently this machine is called "eifell tower lying".
Comparison "F60" to the Eiffel tower
"Big Muskie", Giant Walking in Ohio
Excavator walking "Big Muskie" was a Shifters Engine Land Earth's Largest Home. Created in 1969, this machine is able to move 39 million pounds of soil and rock every hour, diggin coal to a depth of 100-150 feet in southeastern Ohio. BM be able to swing along the 600 feet, moving to explore the land with giant pedestal 4.

Operated until 1991 after a request to stop and also because of the willingness of the owner. Dismantled in 1999 and just left it as a giant scraper interesting spectacle in Reinersville, Ohio.
Big Machine Big Hole Making

Notice the arrow in this picture. It is a mining truck, which took 2 hours to climb from the bottom of the hole.
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